Chimp Feet Shoes for Halloween

Bow tries on an old pair of SAS shoes  Image Credit: (c) 2010 Aya KatzEvery chimpanzee that I have ever encountered has been interested in shoes. They like to look at your shoes, and they also like to try them on. I’m not certain why, but it might have something to do with the difference in shape between their feet and ours.

I think the curiosity about shoes and feet goes in both directions. Many humans are very curious about chimpanzee feet. Have you ever wanted to have a pair of chimpanzee feet? Well, now you can, in the form of an unusual pair of shoes.

Of course, these shoes will not help you to pick up objects or hang upside down from a tree branch. Their effect is merely cosmetic. But if you are embarrassed by the degenerate appearance of your human feet, which are pretty much useless for fine motor skills, you can pretend that you have chimpanzee feet. For those who like orangutans better, there are even a pair of orangutan feet shoes available.

As Halloween approaches, one costume many boys and young men might enjoy is a chimpanzee outfit. Get the chimp feet shoes to go with the costume, and you will be a smash hit!

About admin

I am a publisher, linguist, primatologist and writer. I am an editor at Inverted-A Press. I'm a primatologist with Project Bow. And I administer PubWages.
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4 Responses to Chimp Feet Shoes for Halloween

  1. Sweetbearies says:

    Looks like a fun Halloween costume. Is Bow able to eat any type of candy for Halloween, or is this not good for his diet?

    • admin says:

      Thanks, Sweetbearies. Bow can eat a little candy, one or two pieces, but it would not be good for him to go beyond that. In fact, it’s not good for any of us. ;->

      • Sweetbearies says:

        Well, I agree eating candy is not the best for anyone, but I was curious as to whether he could eat it or not. Being a good cook, I must say all desserts are not equal. I made choconut bars from scratch, and that is for less sugary than say packaged candy. I always inquire about what people eat, etc. It is paramount info for me.

        • admin says:

          Sweetbearies, I wish I knew how to make our own candy bars. Your choconut bars sound good. I think there is too much sugar and not enough cream or milk fat in the chocolate currently on the market.

          The candy I let Bow have is soft and it can include chocolate and nuts. When Bow gets a piece of chocolate to eat he savors it slowly. It is a rare treat.

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