Mac VS Windows

A lot of people have Mac computers and laptops at their work place because they tend to work pretty fast with them. However Mac won’t allow you to install certain things such as Hypercam 2 and other things. Windows gives you a lot of freedoms and is easy to use, similar to Mac. Mac has this white apple sign and Windows has this flag looking sign with 4 squares in it in different colors. I have a Windows laptop but if I had to choose if I wanted a Mac or a Windows I would probably pick Windows because I’m used to Windows and I don’t really use Mac much.

Mac also makes iPods, iPhones, and iPads. I have an iPod Touch which is easy and fast to use but I use windows on the laptop. Both Mac and Windows are great to use and have the ups and downs. Macs are more expensive than Windows but it doesn’t always mean that they’re better. There are also windows laptops and computers that can be pretty expensive but they both work very well depending on how you use and how you take care of them.

For 5 big differences between Mac and Windows watch this video, P.S. I do not own this video:

You can buy a good Mac or Windows on :

About Peppergum01

Hey, I write pubs about beauty, electronics, virtual worlds, music, songs, artists, animals, etc. Some of my pubs are pretty random but you may find very intresting.
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