Maze Finger App Review

Maze Finger is a really good addicting app that you can get at the app store completely free. When you first get into the game and install the app it kind of looks like an electrical maze. You have to use your finger to follow the start line and get to the finish line any other way you’d draw a maze or walk into a maze. When you’re finished it will say how you did in a robotic voice. This is a very fun game and there’s not much to say about it but many people would enjoy a review about it and I recommend to get it right now. I’d give it about a 7 and a half out of 10 because I’m more into simulation games but for boys this would be a good game and also for girls too.

It’s very entertaining and you can get awards and find yourself on the leaderboard if you get to a very high score. If you have a plus account you can also log into it and it will show you your achievements and save your work. The farther you get the harder the level will increase but it’s worth it. Each time you complete a level it will show you how you did on each level and will have a check point. For a full app review video of this watch this video which I also don’t own:

About Peppergum01

Hey, I write pubs about beauty, electronics, virtual worlds, music, songs, artists, animals, etc. Some of my pubs are pretty random but you may find very intresting.
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