Lady Mantle Tea for Menopause

 Sipping tea is a good habit to develop, and if its caffeine free, the better it is for you. I suspect many women are not aware of Lady Mantle tea’s feminine benefits. 

  Lady Mantle is an  astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory tea  which  has been used since ancient times, so it’s a time tested natural remedy that we modern ladies can use. It’s considered a beauty tonic for women in the Arab world, and is helpful for both men and women, due to its astringent properties for many ailments such as throat infections, cuts and scrapes, digestive problems and diarrhea.

The rich concentrations of tannins is valuable for heavy and excessive bleeding.  The salicylic acid has sedative properties which help bring relief to cramps.  During the menopause years, the gentle, balancing power of lady’s mantle can be quite helpful.

I drank it for a while when I was in perimenopause and it helped in relaxing my body. I stopped drinking it when I felt better, but realize now that I should keep it handy in my kitchen, as its a good tonic and feminine cure all. It can be ordered online for less than  $10.00 if you shop around.

To your health!

About Mariestips

I am a Baby Boomer who took charge of her health during the change of life (menopause). When I was starting to feel unbalanced due to hormonal fluctuations, I took my life long interest and study of natural health, and researched on what I could do to help myself as I did not want to go through the traditional route of taking hormone replacement therapy. I combined my life-long interest in natural health with my focus on positive thinking and spirituality to maintain a good attitude. A friend once mentioned why not share what I know with others, and here I am with "Marie's Tips". Since I have a holistic approach to life, and I am also an inspirational writer, I will be sharing non-religious, spiritual, inspirational and positive articles.
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2 Responses to Lady Mantle Tea for Menopause

  1. Sweetbearies says:

    Interesting to know about this tea Marie. Thanks for sharing!

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